Construction, Refurbishment & Renovation works

Construction, Refurbishment & Renovation works

Our Constriction, Refurbishment, and Renovation Works Service is your one-stop solution for all your construction and remodeling needs. Whether you’re planning to build a new structure, revamp an existing one, or renovate your space, we have the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life.

We stand for quality, safety & credibility, so you could be trust us fully about architectural working process.

  • Camp Setup & Yard and workshop & warehouse Making
  • Interior and Exterior Decoration
  • Repair and Maintenance of House, Office and Buildings
  • Shifting Services
  • Constriction-Major and Minor Renovation Works
  • Painting & Polishing
  • Plumbing & Sanitary
  • Carpentry Services
  • Furniture Manufacturing and Supply
  • Masonry (Tiles & Mosaic),
  • Fabrication & Thai Aluminum,
  • Partitioning & Suspended Ceiling
  • House Keeping and Janitorial Services
  • Swimming Pool Maintenance and Supply
  • Plumbing System maintenance and Supply
  • Supply and Maintenance of Shelter/ Safe Room
  • Maintenance of Doors and Windows , Restroom , Office/ Rooms , Kitchen and Pantries , Exterior stair, Deck and Landing , Asphalt surface, Signage , Structural Member , Roof Maintenance, Gutter/ Roof Drain , Sewer Lateral , Storm Drain , Water Distribution System , Underground Water Tank , Domestic and Submersible Pump Maintenance and Supply
  • Landscaping Maintenance of Regular Maintenance , Seasonal Maintenance Work